About the Pre-School
Our Pre-School is a charitable incorporated organisation registered with the Charities Commission, and run for the benefit of the children, their families and the community.
Our Pre-School is a charitable incorporated organisation registered with the Charities Commission, and run for the benefit of the children, their families and the community.
We have a beautiful purpose built, light airy building, with a wonderful secure outdoor area. The children have free-flow access to outside all year. We have Astroturf on our main garden area, which enables the children to play outside, whatever the weather! We have a large sand pit, a mud kitchen, wooden wendy house, and chimes!
Inside our large playroom is divided into several areas, art/craft, construction, quiet area, and snack bar.
The children's cloakroom has four low-level toilets and wash basins, a changing table, potties, and children's toilet seats. Children have free-flow access to the cloakroom.
We work with a high ratio of practitioners to children:-
Morning session 3-4 years - we have a minimum ratio of one to eight staff working directly with our morning class, but at least five members of staff are always on the premises (average morning class is 30 children).
Afternoon session 2-3 years – we have a minimum of at least one member of staff to every four children.
We gradually increase the number of children in our afternoon sessions once the children have had their third birthday and we then have a minimum ratio of one adult to eight children (for those children aged over 3 years).
We believe that children settle best when they have a key person to relate to, who knows them and their parents well and with whom they can develop a trusting relationship. We believe that this benefits not only the child, but also the parents, staff and the Pre-School by providing secure relationships in which children thrive, parents have confidence, staff are committed and the Pre-School is a happy and well balanced place to attend or work in.
Your child’s key person will ensure that your child's individual learning, welfare and developmental needs are supported through appropriate planning and intervention during free play and adult-initiated activity.
Your child's key person will continually observe, assess, record and plan appropriate and purposeful activities, so that he or she can achieve his or her next steps for learning. The key person will keep you informed and involved with regard to your child’s welfare, development and learning.
We have been so happy with the Pre-School, it is a very special place and we are very lucky to have had the opportunity to share the last two years with you. The staff are nothing short of fantastic!!