Job vacancies

We are a happy supportive team, who are dedicated to this wonderful Pre-School. We strive to reflect on our practice and improve wherever necessary.

Positions Available

Job role 1 - Voluntary Role as a Member of our Management Committee

We are keen to recruit new Members to join our pre-school on a voluntary basis. Our Committee is made up of parents, carers or local community members who have an interest in supporting our pre-school. The pre-school is run solely for the benefit of the community and the Committee is responsible for the Pre-School and its staff. Committee members are the charity trustees of the Pre-School and act in a role similar to school governors. Committee meet twice a term to discuss key operational and strategic matters, including staffing, budgeting and business planning.

The Pre-School cannot run without a Management Committee, so every year we need new members. If you would like to find out more, please let us know! Telephone 01372 721 111.

Job role 2 - Pre-School Manager / Senco

We are currently advertising and recruiting for a Pre-School Manager / SENCO. The advert is available on Indeed - please see link below

Job role 3

A few words from a parent...

We have loved the Pre-School and all the staff. We couldn't have asked for more over the years. Thank you!

- A parent

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please let us know and we would be happy to help.

Parents/carers are welcome to visit us with their child. We have many visitors and therefore like to arrange appointments.

You can contact us each weekday, between 8.30am and 3pm on:

01372 721111

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