Application form & payment

If you would like to register your child on our waiting list, please complete an Application Form and forward this together with a deposit of £50.00. The deposit can be paid by bank transfer, using your child's name as the reference.

Payment details

A £50.00 deposit is required to enter your child onto our waiting list, which is only refundable if we cannot offer your child a place at Pre-School. If your child is offered a place at our Pre-School, then the deposit will be refunded to you when your child takes up a fully-funded place, or (for those parents who pay for additional hours) at the end of the last half-term your child attends Pre-School.

Pay by cheque

Please make cheques payable to ‘St Martin’s Pre-School CIO’

Pay by bank transfer

Sort code 40-52-40, account number 00024891, CAF Bank (using your child’s name as a reference).

Application form

Please note all fields are required.

Child details:

Child's surname

Child's first names

Child's date of birth

Child's sex

Parent / Guardian details:


Full name


Add another parent / guardian


Full name



Contact details:

Address line 1 & 2

Town / city

Post code

Telephone number

Email address

Important information

Have any of your previous children attended our pre-school? Yes No

How'd you hear of us?

Are you registered with a Children's Centre?

Preferred start date

Once you’ve submitted this form and paid the deposit, we will be in touch via email to acknowledge receipt.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please let us know and we would be happy to help.

Parents/carers are welcome to visit us with their child. We have many visitors and therefore like to arrange appointments.

You can contact us each weekday, between 8.30am and 3pm on:

01372 721111

Leave us a message

Full name*

Email address*

Phone number*

How can we help?*